Parent Coaching for Parents of Children with ADHD

Parenting a child with ADHD presents unique challenges. It’s easy to become overwhelmed and frustrated. You need support of others who understand the unique family dynamics created by living with ADHD. That’s why I created this parent coaching program—to help you see that you aren’t alone and that there are ways to help your child thrive, while maintaining your own sanity and the peace of your home.

The next coaching program begins July 2024

In this program, you will receive:
* Lessons delivered via email 2 times per month (1st and 3rd week of each month). These lessons are designed to help you understand, manage, and connect with your child, while maintaining your own sense of calm.
* Group coaching with other parents of children with ADHD 2 times per month (2nd and 4th week of each month). These occur over Zoom and allow time for you to connect with other parents and receive expert guidance from a Licensed Professional Counselor.

Payment Options:
* $300 per month with a 5-month commitment ($1,500 total)
* $1,200 paid in full for 5-month access

To register or to ask questions, please email